InterUrban ArtHouse Artist Opportunities

2025 Exhibition Open Calls

June - July 2025:

What comes to mind when you think of your identity or identities? Do you think about them often, or hardly at all? Our identities can play a huge role in shaping our lives. Which identities we are born into, those we grow into, take on, or deny can determine who we are and how we move through the world. This exhibition invites artists of every background, ethnicity, sexual orientation, culture, age, and community to examine and discuss their identities through their art. The purpose of the show is to illustrate and celebrate the many identities that make up our immediate, national, and global community. 

Timeline (Dates subject to change)

  • Deadline to apply: April 1st, 2025

  • Notification of acceptance by: April 12th, 2025

  • Art Drop Off: Friday, May 30th & Saturday, May 31st

Do you need more supplies, space improvements, or new equipment? Or would you like strategic or financial advice from an established artist? If so, we are pleased to introduce our Festival Readiness partner @altcap, which is an impact-focused small business lender that offers funding and resources to creative entrepreneurs. Learn more about their ARTcap microloan and free financial coaching at

April - May 2025: The InterUrban ArtHouse is proud to announce our Spring exhibition, ArtHealsWhat Matters to You? 

This show takes inspiration from the practice of "Social Prescribing" (info below), is designed to cultivate a space for new creative connections, and invites artists of all mediums and backgrounds to reflect on the question: What matters to you?  You can take many different approaches to this show's theme, as it's broad and open to interpretation. 

We’re seeking artwork and/or performance that illustrates the relationship between art, wellness, and the meaningful aspects of life that help you thrive, whether you choose to express your response in the artwork itself or through your artist statement.  Your work could reflect your passions, your experiences, your dreams, or the causes that move you. It can also just be work that helps you maintain your sense of well being.

Share with us what holds meaning in your life and inspires your creativity.


Programming around the exhibition will be produced in tandem with art therapist Sherri Jacobs, and focus on the theme of "What Matters to You" through the lens of Social Prescribing. This public health initiative, implemented in over 30 countries around the world, is designed to enhance people's well being and physical health with creative prescriptions related to art, nature, community and movement. Changing the question from "What is the matter with you?" to "What matters to you?" is the foundation for this work.  Learn more at

Timeline (Dates subject to change)

  • Deadline to apply: February 15th, 2025

  • Notification of acceptance by: March 1st, 2025

  • Art Drop Off:  April 4th and 5th, 2025

October - November 2025:

The annual Members Showcase is open for all current members to exhibit works in a 12x12 format.